View the Moulin Roty toy catalogues

Twice a year there is a distinct ‘buzz’ around the Moulin Roty family as the two annual toy catalogues are finalised and released. Les Petits (for babies and younger children) is usually released within the first three months of the year, and Memoire d’enfant (for slightly older children), is usually released sometime after July.

Click on the catalogue image to browse the current Moulin Roty toy catalogues.

Les Petits 2023

les petits 2024 toy catalogues - moulin roty

Memoire 2023-2024

new moulin roty toys

Le Jardin 2024

les jardin toy catalogue - moulin roty

If you are looking for a particular toy you can contact us at and we will help you to find it. You can also find your local Moulin Roty stockist here.